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Strategic Doing Brian Kolenich


Our Workshops

What is Strategic Doing?

Strategic Doing works with the resources that civic, industry and business professionals bring to the table and then linking and leveraging them to create new opportunities to address the challenges at hand.

Strategic Doing practitioners' Training is a proven discipline of strategy, of thinking, an agile methodology that harnesses the power of thinking through collaboratives.

Why do we need a new, agile strategy? We are facing wicked complex problems and traditional approaches don’t always get the job done. Strategic Doing was created to approach how we design and manage complex work together, effectively, and with agility. It is designed to balance intelligent risk taking through the wisdom of the collaborative that in turn, creates innovation.

Strategic Doing uses a format that aligns with ideation and appreciative inquiry. With that, not only can it address the complex, wicked problems at hand, it has been used to innovate.

Briefly, Strategic Doing is action-oriented and highly scalable to meet your needs. It is a highly collaborative tool that is outcomes-oriented. At the end of a half-day workshop you will have multiple strategic action plans, with measurable outcomes ready to implement.

Strategic Doing is set of questions and rules that guide conversations to achieve outcomes in a more organic manner, which this 2.5-day workshop will teach. 

Dates and location of January's Class:

Strategic Doing Practitioners' Training via ZOOM

January 4th, 5th, 10th-12th, 2024 via ZOOM

9:00am to 1:00pm (EST, New York)

What is Strategic Doing?

Strategic Doing works with the resources that civic, industry and business professionals bring to the table to link and leverage these resources/assets to create new opportunities to address the challenges at hand.

Strategic Doing Practitioners' Training is a proven agile discipline of strategy and thinking, that harnesses the power of thinking through collaboratives.

Why do we need a new, agile strategy? We are facing wicked complex problems, where traditional approaches don’t always get the job done. Strategic Doing was created to approach how we design and manage complex work together. It is designed to balance intelligent risk taking through the wisdom of the collaborative that in turn, creates innovation.

Strategic Doing uses a format that aligns with the methodologies of ideation and appreciative inquiry. With that, it can develop new strategic opportunities to innovatively address the challenges at hand. 

Briefly, Strategic Doing is action-oriented and highly scalable to meet your needs. At the end of a half-day workshop you will have multiple strategic action plans, with measurable outcomes ready to implement.

Strategic Doing uses a set of questions and rules that guide conversations to achieve outcomes in a more organic manner. 

Dates and location of Upcoming Trainings:

Strategic Doing Practitioners' Training

By Zoom

January 4th, 5th, 10th-12th from 9:00 am to 1:00pm EST (New York) 3:00pm to 7:00pm CET (Brussels).

Register For Strategic Doing

Strategic Doing

Strategic Doing Practioners' Training | Do more together Brian Kolenich

Who Could Benefit?

The answer is simple, anyone. Anyone working collaboratively in a setting, whether it be in a civic setting, community, economic region, or in an organization that would like to address the complexities at hand with confidence, agility, and systemically. Strategic Doing can assist professionals in any capacity to develop strategic action plans quickly and with a pathway to move a collaborative to building action and trust by working together. It opens the door for learning by doing, intelligent risk-taking, and recombinant innovation.

If you ever asked or wondered:

• How we should approach this problem?

• How do we take advantage of this opportunity that is in front of us?

• Not knowing how to work collaboratively and with skill to advance an initiative.

• Not knowing how to develop innovation.

Or if you are tired of traditional strategic planning tools that tie you into months and months or planning before getting out to do, then you are someone that would benefit by learning more about how to use Strategic Doing. Attend the Practitioners’ Training and become the champion of change for your organization or community. 

Register For Strategic Doing
Guiding a Strategic Doing Conversation

The Strategic Sandbox is available to lead a Strategic Doing Conversation/Workshop for your community or organization. If you are looking for a new approach to address strategy and not wanting to betied down inweeks or even months of planning before getting out and doing something, then Strategic Doing is for you. I have worked with organizations where Strategic Doing has successfully replaced its strategic planning process.

If you are accredited with organizations such as CARF Strategic Doing has met those standards for strategic planning, with ease.

Strategic Doing works in both organizational and community development.

If you are looking for a strategy approach that involves everyone in the conversation and action planning, Strategic Doing is for you. Whether you are a for-profit or nonprofit organization, a civic or government entity, Strategic Doing is for you. It is agile and systematic in developing strategic action plans that will be ready act on that day.

Email or call the Strategic Sandbox to explore how we can lead a strategy conversation

and work together to create change and prosperity. 

How Strategic Doing Works?

Strategic Doing is a new way of thinking, behaving, and doing.1  It works with the resources that civic, industry, and business professionals bring to the table. Through linking and leveraging, we create new opportunities to address the challenges at hand. Strategic Doing works in collaboratives/networks with agility, using a quick and systematic methodology to create action. 

Strategic Doing focuses on two higher-level questions of strategy, “Where are we going” and “How are we going to get there?”  

“Where are we going” establishes outcomes that all parties agree on to address the challenge at hand, by walking through two process questions:

• What could we do together?

• What should we do together?

In answering the question, what could we do together? We identify the assets that team members are willing to share to create new strategic opportunities. These assets are then linked and leveraged to brainstorm new ideas/strategic opportunities and move the team into new directions. What should we do together? We will teach you how to narrow the brainstormed opportunities to the one, tangible, and impactful Big Easy project, with outcomes to measure success.  

The second higher-level question, “how are we going to get there” advances two more process questions:

• What will we do together?

• What is our 30/30?

What will we do together will teach you how to move your plan into rapid action by developing a pathfinder project, and a short-term action plan that includes everyone pitching in. What is our 30/30, will teach you how to set a learning loop to build engagement, accountability, and continuous action towards achievement. 

Strategic Doing makes achieving strategy an agile, systematic, and iterative process by moving through 30-day cycles of think-do, think-do. 

    Strategic Doing | Do Think  |  Strategic Doing Institute TM

    Strategic Doing Institute TM

    Strategic Doing guides organizations, communities, or economic regions through these complex conversations by following these four questions that are further grounded in 10-rules.

    Unlike traditional strategic planning, which can get stuck in months and months of planning and analysis before short bursts of action. Strategic Doing can quickly move people to collaboration, rapid action, and build trust to deeper levels than traditional strategic planning. 

    Do Think Strategic Planning |  Strategic Doing Institute TM

    Strategic Doing Institute TM

    The Strategic Doing Practitioners’ Training will teach you how to run an action-oriented workshop that will create multiple strategic action plans, with measurable outcomes that are ready to implement in under four hours. We will teach you the power of learning by doing to create an environment of action and continuous improvement through collaboration. 

    Briefly, Strategic Doing is action-oriented and highly scalable to meet your needs. It is a highly collaborative tool that is outcomes-oriented. As stated earlier, at the end of a half-day workshop you will have multiple strategic action plans, with measurable outcomes ready to begin implementing.

    Training for Strategic Doing Practitioners' will give you the tools to begin to use this proven discipline of strategyand thinking. It is extremely adaptable to meet the needs of your initiative, whether it is for community, organizational, or regional economic development.The 2.5-day training will change the way you think about the process of strategy.

    1. Strategic Doing Institute 
    Register For Strategic Doing

    An Introduction to Strategic Doing

    This is a great way to open you team to approaching strategic thinking using a proven agile tool, Strategic Doing. Your team will experience a “workshop-style” game using a realistic scenario of a community with some wicked complex problems.

    The four-hour workshop will expose your team to the key steps within Strategic Doing-“what could we do,” “what should we do,” “what will we do, ‘ and “what is our 30/30?” It is a faced-paced, fun learning experience that will shift your thinking about strategic planning.

    This is a great workshop for leadership academies, organizational retreats, or conferences. Call or email for more information and pricing.

    Contact To Schedule

    Agile Strategy 101

    Agile Strategy 101

    Performance Excellence

    Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Criteria   Walk The Wall

    Walk the Wall Coaching

    A one- to three-day retreat to expose your organization to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Criteria ( by doing a high-level crosswalk of the Criteria in relation to your organization’s practices as they stand now and develop a pathway for improvement to begin your performance excellence journey.

    The retreat will work with your leadership team in an interactive learning approach that will highly engage everyone at the table. Everyone participates. Call or email for more information and pricing. 

    Contact To Schedule
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